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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



Breath is life. Breathe it in and let it out. The air is transformed for having been in you. The Princess of Swords is the mental awareness that lies beneath our intensely communicative human experience. She embodies the silence and the awe at the center of all language and concepts. She is the mind at rest, quieted, serene, calm. She focuses on her breathing, the first act of making all that follows possible.

The Princess of Swords floats gracefully on the mighty currents of air circumnavigating the globe. To many she appears as an angel: heavenly, fluid, lighter than air. Her pose is open, like her mind, and ready to receive new ideas. Above her a sword flies with wings of its own - with, seemingly, a mind of its own. This winged mind is the Princess of Sword's meditative awareness that ripples through her like the waves emanating from the hilt. It has its own eye and clearly sees all functions of the universe. Awareness is still and can experience the chatter of everyday existence without being distracted by it. With her meditative mind at rest. the Princess of Swords can access the vast openness and infinite knowledge of time and space, and even other dimensions. She knows everything and nothing. She is liberated from the limitations of language and symbols. Her face shows the calm she achieves through the compassion she has for herself and for a world struggling to describe the indescribable.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Princess of Swords blow into your reading, breathe deeply three times and pay homage to your ability to do so. Feel the air pass into and out of you. The Princess of Swords is the person in your life or aspect of yourself that floats like a balloon in a peaceful sky. Do you take time every day to dissociate from your analytical mind? Meditation doesn't need to be a heavily regimented or ideological activity. Every moment can be meditative. Stop struggling and listen to your breathing. See how this helps you have a quiet mind. Let go of those thoughts that collapse in on themselves in bad moods and eternal depressions. Create a fresh and open mind by consciously inhaling and exhaling and observing all of the many possibilities. Go with the flow. Let go of control long enough to remember that breath is life.